Replacing fears WITH BIG IDEAS
And challenge  WITH CHANGE

We help children & young people unlock their potential to be the best version of themselves.  

We help teachers to thrive and be fulfilled in their work again.

Evidence-based Coaching for young people & Educational coaching for teachers since 2017 , UK & aUSTRALIA.


Using our unique Emergence Approach, we provide transformational one-to-one coaching for children and young people aged 8-25, combining a blend of Neuroscience, Psychology and Cognitive Coaching with a large helping of kindness.

In today’s world we are ‘activity rich, reflection poor’, yet real growth comes from reflection! We provide a mental sorting space, allowing young people to unravel their thoughts and find the right solution, Afterall, personal development is impossible without self-awareness! Our evidence-based coaching fosters a sense of empowerment and agency, key ingredients to meta-cognitive thinking and self-regulated learning. It’s about breaking down the barriers that can get in the way of children and young people being their best, authentic selves.

We understand there are different purposes for introducing student coaching and are unique in our offering by providing 3 options:
Pure Coaching, Instructional Coaching and Emotion & Mindset Coaching.
We train teachers, pastoral leaders and senior leaders in the skills of coaching.

There doesn’t need to be anything ‘wrong’! ALL young people will benefit. Developing the ability to think differently has a huge effect on an individual’s emotional well-being, as well as motivating them to rise above their expectations of academic progress or performance. Our coaching helps young people focus on the NOW and what is within their control, so they can move from intention to action.


Would you like to introduce educational coaching to your school to improve teacher retention and promote synergy amongst your staff, increasing work satisfaction, well-being, and performance ?

Are you interested in developing a multi-layered coaching culture involving leaders, teachers and students for a community of engaged learners ?

Coaching is the most effective approach in professional and personal development for both the whole school and individual teacher. We coach teachers to reflect on the teaching and learning, have open and honest conversations, and get everything on the table. Reflection helps to improve performance and make better decisions, both big and small, whilst building better relationships.

It’s about working together to re-focus on what really matters, develop a clear vision and form shared beliefs. Our coaching empowers teachers to find the right solutions in order to make meaningful goals for change. We provide one-to-one and team coaching for teachers, as well as CPD for teachers and school leaders.

…We inspire young people to do what inspires them

At Emergence Coaching it’s our mission to support all children and young people to feel inspired in life and excited about their future. It’s about helping them to feel comfortable in their skin and know their ‘Why’. Coaching provides the mind management they need to tackle the obstacles they’ll face as they pursue their ambitions. Simply put, we support children and young people to recognise their self-worth and what they can offer to the world.

…It’s about putting young people in the driving seat

We want to put young people in the driving seat of their life. By working with us, they are empowered to make the changes they want to see. Our coaching promotes agency, perseverance, and grit! It is a proactive approach, fostering long-term resilience and mental well-being. Our MindsetED is a Mindset and Character Education for children and young people. We focus on how our thinking is the most significant ‘influencer’ in determining our success and happiness. Having a great mindset is one of the biggest advantages a young person can have!

…We know it takes a village!

We understand it’s a team effort and we work alongside school leaders, teachers and parents to give children and young people the start they deserve. We know that teachers teach more than information!

In recent years, social and emotional health has become a priority for all practitioners working with children and we know this goes hand-in-hand with promoting academic achievement. Introducing coaching is the most effective way you can enrich both the pastoral care and personal development provision in your school.

Our CPD supports teachers and leaders to improve
student well-being and engagement. We train teachers in coaching skills to help students think meta-cognitively, transforming learners from passive to active learners, who have ownership of their success.

As a parent you might feel you need something that bridges the gap between your child being ‘ok’ to thriving. Perhaps you’ve noticed your child start to retreat into themselves or develop negative thoughts or behaviours and you want some pro-active help to stop them spiralling into mental health issues. We are with you.

We coach in schools, universities, online and at our base in Hopetree Clinic, London.