teachers and school leaders
Teaching is one of the most rewarding but hardest professions. Which is why we see a third of teachers leave after only 5 years due to…an increasing workload,
high-level stress, anxiety, burnout, a perceived lack of support and a lost sense of purpose.
Research shows the most effective way to drive positive change in whole school well-being, teacher effectiveness and student outcomes, is through coaching!
One-to-one Coaching
All teachers have the same goal, to do the best, in order to bring out the best in their students. However there are many factors that can get in the way of a teacher feeling happy at work or achieving their full potential.
We coach teachers to reflect, question and focus on what really matters to them as educators and the children they serve. Our coaching supports teachers to navigate the many challenges the profession brings, whether it be administrative demands, challenging student behaviour, low student performance or poor working relationships. Whatever the blocker, we empower teachers to find clarity in order to feel fulfilled in their work again.
One-to-one coaching gives teachers a designated time and space to step away from the busyness of the profession to reflect deeply, talk through their thinking and evaluate what’s working and what isn’t. Our coaches often act as a necessary soundboard for teachers to express their frustrations, find the solution and make goals for change. We help teachers consider how they can work smarter, not harder, to achieve positive results. Coaching is a quality investment in the personal development of all teachers and school leaders.
Our one-to-one sessions are 1 hour in length and cater for all levels of experience, from newly qualified teachers to senior leaders. At every stage in one’s career, coaching supports and empowers.
The frequency is flexible according to your needs and can range from fortnightly to monthly sessions. We can work with a small group of selected teachers or the whole team.
Coaching is the most effective way to increase synergy in teams. We have developed a unique approach to coaching teams based on the Emergence, 3 e’s:
Explore: How do you operate as a team? What’s working?, What isn’t ? We explore your reality.
Engage: We start engaging with the process of coaching; What are your goals and solutions?
Embed; How will you sustain the changes you have made to continue to be an extraordinary team?
We coach in schools, working with you to build a positive culture in your school and allowing teachers to work more effectively to ensure all their students will thrive. Our team coaching promotes a culture of trust, developing community and connection amongst staff. It fosters healthy collaboration, assisting teachers to have substantive conversation.
We help schools through periods of change, supporting teachers to share ideas, challenge each other and focus back to their vision. We coach year level, department and whole staff teams to develop common understandings. This may involve the creation of a common vision and mission, a strong pedagogical approach, a uniform language for learning or goal setting for improved outcomes.
Every school has unique challenges and levels of commitment. Because of this, we can provide a bespoke service. Just get in touch to discuss the various ways we can help.
Our popular professional learning sessions are designed to equip teachers, school mentors or senior students with the knowledge, skills and resources to coach students successfully.
Student Coaching, 3 hrs
As student coaching specialists, we have developed a 3 model approach to student coaching:
Pure Coaching, Instructional Coaching and Emotion & Mindset Coaching. We recognise that every school has different reasons for introducing student coaching. We provide training to teachers, pastoral teachers and Mentors in each of our approaches, so you can help your students be their absolute best selves.
To the Power of 10. 1.5 hrs.
We provide you with ten proven and powerful ways to inspire the students in your classroom, improving student engagement and academic success. As we know, happy, engaged children learn!
MindsetED for Teachers, Pastoral Teachers and Mentors, 1.5 hrs
How can you support your students to be emotionally fit, having the confidence to try new things and tackle the challenges of learning and life? We show you simple, but effective strategies to help your students manage their thoughts and emotions so they can make the right choices for their happiness. We share tried and tested techniques you can employ to encourage students to step outside their comfort zone in order to reach their full potential.